Setup a foolproof CI with Scrutinizer as a step
Continuous Integration. Wow, that sounds awesome! Indeed it's one of those loosely-used terms programmers love, alongside "Big Data", "Code Review" and the likes. But more than being a cool buzzword,...
Deleting unused Django media files
Handling Files in Django is pretty easy: you can add them to a model with only a line (for a brush-up on Django models, you can check out our article on handling data web frameworks), and the...
Build a RESTful API Using LoopBack
What does RESTful API really mean? REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architecture that allows client-server communication through a uniform interface. It is also stateless,...
Working with data in web frameworks
At AlgoTech Solutions, we are always interested in modern technologies and what makes them unique. Previously we've covered why converting to another web framework is not such a difficult task....
Build a wrapper directive for animate.css
This tutorial will present a way of implementing a wrapper directive for the popular animate.css animations file. Introduction I recently discovered this interesting css animations file called...
Git Tips and Tricks
When I think about Git, I think about it as a time capsule one can travel with at a specific point of time in the source code history. Even though it might seem pretty simple, Git is an extremely...
Converting to another web framework: Basic apps in Symfony and Django
Many times have I heard the following from a developer: "I am scared to change technologies", "I am excited but I'm afraid it will be entirely different", "I only know <insert web framework...
Using Django signals for database logging
Many times clients will ask you to develop custom logging systems for business purposes. Such an example is logging object changes into a database table, to allow for supervising users to...
Django Migrations and How to Manage Conflicts
Migrations are one of Django's most useful features, but for me, personally, it was a dreadful task to take care of model changes. Despite reading the docs, I was still scared of migration...
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